Did you know you if you donate €250 or more in a tax year you can make your donation go even further without it costing you anything extra? If you donate €21 per month or more we can increase the value of your donation by up to 45%.
How does it work?
As a registered charity, Educate Together is authorised by the Revenue Commissioners to claim tax relief on donations in excess of €250. What this means is that if you pay tax and have donated €250 or more to Educate Together in the past 4 years, then we can claim 45% extra in tax relief from Revenue at no extra cost to you. All we need is your signature.
Do I qualify?
In order for us to claim tax back on your donations you must have donated €250 or more to Educate Together within a one year period, within the last four years.
This €250 or more donation can be a one off donation, several one-off donations equating to €250+ or through instalments throughout the year such as a monthly gift of €21 or more over 12 months. In order for your donation to be eligible for tax back you must pay adequate income tax and/or capital gains tax for the year
What do I need to do?
- Make a donation of €250 or more in a calendar year or set up a monthly gift €21 or more.
- Download a CHY3 Enduring Certificate below or call us on 01 429 2500 and we’ll post one to you.
- Complete the form using your details and remember to sign and date it also.
- Send the form back to us by email to fundraising@educatetogether.ie or by post to Educate Together, Equity House, 16/17 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin.