This page on the website carries information and application details for roles that become available in the national office and principalship roles in our network. For teacher and ancillary staff vacancies in Educate Together schools, please refer to the Education Posts website. Find out more about what it’s like to teach in an Educate Together school here.
Current Vacancies
Educate Together and Education and Training Boards Ireland [ETBI] are seeking applications from qualified individual(s) to:
- Research and propose definitions for 10 terms to be included in the Glossary for the Framework for the Recognition of Programmes Providing Certification to Teach Ethical, Multi-Belief and Values Education.
- Review and provide feedback on the remaining terms already defined within this glossary.
- Present recommendations to patron representatives.The 10 terms to be researched are: character education, citizenship, controversy, controversial issues, critical multi-cultural education, equality, identity, intersectionality, positionality, values education.
This work can be carried out by an individual or team of individuals that meet the criteria. It is intended that this work will take place within two calendar months of the appointment of the successful candidate(s). The maximum fee payable for conducting this review is €1,500. Interested candidates should apply by sending a one-page Proposal along with their CV (max 3 pages) to by 13th January 2025.