
Annual reports, AGM decisions and accounts

Educate Together believes that setting and maintaining high standards is a key element in demonstrating accountability to our supporters and our member schools. Every year, Educate Together publishes audited accounts, an annual report and a list of all decisions made at the latest General Meeting of Educate Together online.

Educate Together’s Charter

Educate Together is the patron body of the growing network of schools in Ireland that are run according to the Educate Together Charter. Enshrined in the Charter is an obligation to put our students at the centre of everything we do. Available to download below.

Educate Together’s 2019 – 2021 Strategic Objectives

The Educate Together national office is responsible for carrying out the organisation’s Strategic Objectives, as set out by the Board of Directors of Educate Together. Educate Together’s 2019 – 2021 Strategic Objectives are available to view here and available to download below.

What is an Educate Together National School? (revised edition printed 2017)

Educate Together national schools are equality-based, co-educational, child centred, and democratically run. This booklet gives a brief overview of some of the key concepts involved in the Educate Together national school model in Ireland. Available to download below.

Blueprint for Educate Together Second-level Schools (printed 2009)

This blueprint, written in 2009, documents in detail how the Educate Together second-level model delivers key life skills as well as academic performance. Educate Together’s fist second-level schools opened in 2014. Available to download below.